Friday, January 25, 2008

Waverly Point Yard Sale

Its time again for the annual Waverly Point Yard Sale. Mark your calendar for April 5th 2008. Julie isn't available to help this time. She provided those nice maps telling shoppers who was participating and what they had to sell. I've set up a website to handle this instead. Go to Email me if you want to participate and what you want to sell. I'll post on the site and spread the word.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Certified Real Estate Divorce Specialist

I'm in Colorado now attending a conference to get a very special designation. The class is being taught by a Family Law Attorney and the president of the Financial Divorce Association. What a terrific class. Understanding the steps that couples go through in a divorce and how their real property is affected is extremely valuable information for me to be able to assist my clients.
Sharing my knowledge with clients is a passion of mine. If you know someone who is separating or getting a divorce, tell them to contact me to go over options. They don't always have to sell their home.